Thank you for taking the time to complete this form and provide your views.

For further information, or to complete the questionnaire online, please go to our project website:

Please return completed feedback forms to the following address by Tuesday 6th February 2024:
Cavendish Consulting, SPACES, 1 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 1RW

Alternatively, feedback forms can be emailed to the following email address:

Step 1 of 5

  • Privacy Statement

    By filling in this form you are agreeing that Turley can hold and process your personal data in relation to this public consultation exercise.

    • Turley will only share your personal data with the project team companies for planning evaluation purposes only.
    • Your identifiable, personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent.

    Turley and the project team will use your data to:

    • Send you updates about the project (where you provide us with your contact details).
    • Develop a Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) Report about this public consultation that will be submitted to the Perth and Kinross Council; this will be a publicly available document. Your comments will be anonymous, and we will only identify you in these reports with your express permission.

    If you provide us with your contact details, we might also contact you to ask you more about the comments you’ve made. Turley acts on behalf of the project team to run public consultation activities.

  • Your details

  • If you choose not to fill in all parts of this section, we will not be able to include your comments in the consultation process.